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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Warming bus program starts Wednesday for those experiencing homelessness in Regina

Folks experiencing homelessness in Regina will have the option to warm up during the cold snap. Starting this evening, a Regina transit bus will provide warmth for those in need from 9 p.m. to 9 a.m., seven nights per week.
According to the City of Regina, the warming bus will be located in front of Carmichael Outreach on the 1500 block of 12th Avenue.
“The warming bus provides urgently needed alternative shelter to people who currently sleep outdoors and will enhance the safety and well-being of residents during cold winter nights,” the city stated in a release.
“The City is working in collaboration with Carmichael Outreach, and the downtown Community Support Program (CSP) to ensure that residents who need this warming space are aware of it and can safely access it.”
The warming bus will be available at this location until the indoor warming space at Carmicheal Outreach is ready for use on Jan. 22.
Until then, the warming bus will provide temporary, overnight space. Carmichael Outreach said it is accepting donations to support those using the warming bus, but is also asking donators not to take items directly to the bus to ensure privacy of people. It said donations should be directed through Carmichael Outreach at 306-757-2235 or [email protected].
“The City of Regina is committed to the safety and well-being of everyone in our community,” the release read. “A bus operator and security person are on the bus each night to maintain a safe space for everyone. Communications equipment is in place to quickly and easily contact emergency services, if required.”
