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Cervical cancer: Causes, signs, prevention tips and more about HPV infection

January is marked as cervical cancer awareness month but Bollywood actor and model Poonam Pandey’s death hoax has once again brought the deadly disease into spotlight where beneath the surface lies a significant contributor to this disease – Human Papillomavirus, commonly known as HPV, that is responsible for over 95% of the cases of cervical cancer (the second cause of death from cancer in females in India). It is crucial to understand the role of the cervix in female reproductive anatomy and the uniqueness of cervical cancer due to its detectability through regular screening methods.
In an interview with HT Lifestyle, Dr Dharma Kumar KG, Consultant – Surgical Oncology at Manipal Hospital, shared, “Cervical health matters significantly as early detection is possible through regular screening, a feature distinct from cervical cancer. Unlike other cancers lacking preventive vaccines, cervical cancer benefits from a vaccine, contributing significantly to women’s healthcare, particularly in addressing persistent HPV infections.”
According to him, the important aspects of awareness and prevention of cervical cancer are –
– Females indulging in sexual intercourse very early in their life, those who have multiple sexual partners, or intercourse with a partner with HPV infection.
– Females with compromised immunity, smoking habits, and those on oral contraceptive
– The early symptoms are postcoital bleeding, irregular periods, bleeding between the periods, abnormal discharge, and lower back pain.
He asserted, “Women should prioritise cervical health by understanding risks, recognising warning signs and actively participating in screenings and vaccinations.” Bringing his expertise to the same, Dr Ashish Gupta’, Chief Oncologist from Unique Hospital Cancer Centre in Delhi, elaborated –
